Fiche cheval aurora hero

R2C6 du

plathandicap 39260sha tin (hong kong)1600M1040000the arculli trophy (handicap)14 partantsdépart à 07:35
18woodfire broH46p6p8p0p2pleung k.c./101:35
211president's choiceH72p0p2p7p9pmoreira j./13/4 l
31let's do itH62p4p6p3p8ppurton z./1cte tete
46beauty spiritH87p9p3p2p3phewitson l./11/2 l
52palace palH54p2p4p9p9pchau c.l./1encolure
63king tourbillonH56p0p0p0p7pbadel a./11/2 l
712regency masterH60p5p3p0p0pbentley h./13 l
84oscar gloryH55p9p5p3p7pho c.y./1encolure
97big brookH70p8p3p(21)5pferraris l./13/4 l
1013aurora heroH56p4p8p8p6pchadwick m./13/4 l
1110cordyceps twoH51p0p0p3p0pmaia r./13/4 l
125v chevaliersH80p8p0p9p9pyeung m.l./13 l
1314embarkedH49p0p0p5p0ppoon m.f./11 l 1/2
149beauty novaH40p0p0p8p0pcurrie l./17 l 1/2

R2C9 du

plathandicap 42587sha tin (hong kong)1400M183329monaveen handicap - sec 114 partantsdépart à 08:35
15free foalH56p1p3p3p9pshinn b14/101:24
210my intelligentH51p2p6p7p5pteetan k5.5/1encolure
312plikcloneH77p5p2p5phamelin a13/1cte tete
47sure joyfulH47p6p3pho c y24/11/2 l
52happy dayH41p5p3pmoreira j3.7/11 l
614circuit eliteH46p0p9p0p0pmo h t53/12 l 1/2
74lifeline visionH60p0p9p2p6pcurrie l54/1cte tete
89aurora heroH58p6p9p0pleung k c108/13/4 l
93kasi farasiH85p0p0p7p0pchau c l35/11 l 1/4
108tung haye hayeM40p7p0pbentley h179/13 l 1/2
1double six popH54p5p9p5pbadel a4.4/11/2 l
6general winnerH50p2p3p9ppurton z11/1loin
11super hornetH42p0p0p0p0phewitson l12/11 l 1/2
13chiu chow brotherH59p7p3p(21)4pchadwick m10/11 l 3/4

R6C4 du

plathandicap 43174happy valley1200M121441tiu keng leng handicap12 partantsdépart à 12:15
11super missionH63p4p3p(21)2pleung k.c./101:09
210herculesH73p4p5p6p6pteetan k./11 l 1/4
35durham starH61p6p4p3p3phewitson l./11/2 l
411peak to peakH59p4p8p9ppurton z./1encolure
52so awesomeH60p1p6p(21)2ppoon m.f./1encolure
612whiskey neatH64p8p7p(21)0pmoreira j./1encolure
74master of luckH4Inéditho c.y./11 l
87aurora heroH56p9p0pshinn b./11 l
99happy matadorH57p0p7pmaia r./13/4 l
103happy soulH40pbadel a./11/2 l
116oversubscribedH74p2p4p3p0pcurrie l./12 l 1/2
128handsome guysH50p(21)9p0pchau c.l./11/2 l

R2C6 du

plathandicap 44030sha tin (hong kong)1400M121441plantation handicap12 partantsdépart à 07:40
13happy dayH45p3pmoreira j./101:22
211super hornetH40p0p0p0phewitson l./11 l 1/4
37fantastic showH83p7p0p(21)7pho c.y./1nez
48sparky starH72p3p2p(21)0ppurton z./11/2 l
51kasi farasiH80p0p7p0p7pbentley h./11/2 l
66aurora heroH59p0pshinn b./1encolure
72pleasant endeavorH56p6p(21)0p6pleung k.c./1cte tete
89buddy spiritH50p0pchau c.l./11 l
94reach goalH40phamelin a./11 l 1/4
1010handsome veggieH55p0p0p(21)9pteetan k./11/2 l
115spicy skewerH47pchadwick m./11/2 l
1212happy profitH50p9p8p(21)0pborges v./13 l 1/2

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